A couple years ago, I was with my wife, Celeste, and our friend Ben spending an afternoon in the paradoxical desert of the Great Salt Lake. The texture of the sand, crusted with salt, weather, and time is a sensational feast for bare feet. We played a game: In this extremely barren, extremely flat land, we decided to close our eyes and run blindly and at full speed in any direction for 100 paces. Eager for the adventure, we closed our eyes and shouted, "GO!" I bolted into the darkness of the afternoon sun. My other senses came alive. I could smell the mud, the salt, the sulfur, the decaying brine. I felt the texture of crusty-soft sand beneath my feet as they beat across the surface of the desert. I could hear my companions several paces from me, their feet slapping the sand, laughing and panting.
Then a thought entered into my head, "Hadn't I seen some ominous-looking spikes sticking out of the sand? I would really prefer not to impale my foot on one of those." Regardless, I tightened my closed eyes, quickened my pace, and began to laugh, wild with wonder and worry. " . . .53, 54, 55 . . . ." My paces were whizzing by but the thought of me stepping blindly onto something sharp had almost put me into a panic. ". . .71,72,73 . . ." I could no longer hear my fellow runners and wondered if I'd veered wildly off-course. " . . . 83,84,85 . . ." Only fifteen paces to go. I desperately wanted to stop and open my eyes. Instead, I let out all the stops, opened my running to as fast as I could, and sprinted madly in any direction, no direction, the only direction-forward. From deep in my gut came a raw and uncontrolled scream of anticipation and fear and fun, "98, 99, 100!" at which point I dug my feet into the sand and did an immediate halt. As I stood there panting, I slowly opened up my eyes and looked down at my feet, muddy, unspoiled, unharmed, these feet who willingly leapt me through space as I ran through the darkness toward fear, away from fear. After a moment, I looked up and around for any spikes. None. Nothing for miles. What a rush!
An important concept as explained in the Yoga Sutras explores the relationship between perceptions and actions. If our perceptions are incorrect, we'll often find ourselves in difficulty or fear. If we know what creates such problems, it is easier to avoid them. If I knew for sure that there were no obstacles in my path, I'd have had an easy run. These elements of faulty perceptions are called Avidya. Interestingly, one of the most common false perceptions is called Dvesa, the action of rejecting things because of fear. We have a difficult experience and are afraid of repeating it so we project the effects of the past to try to illuminate the future and end up making our present moment unpleasant. Unfortunately the effects of Dvesa tend to make us reject things that are unfamiliar, even if we have no history with them.
Until we are enlightened, it is impossible to avoid all fears, and therefore we have a model to face those that remain with a sense of adventure. I've referenced a few times one of my favorite movies, Wings of Desire (if you haven't seen it, go out and watch it tonight, but bring a glass of milk to wash it down-it's rich). In this film, an angel, Damiel, decides he'd prefer to live one life, fully human, sentient, and alive, than an eternity of the colorless, only observational life of an angel. Once mortal, Damiel happens upon another mortal who was once an angel (who, interestingly, is Peter Falk playing himself--what better character to decipher the mystery of life than a sleuth). Damiel pleas for Peter Falk to tell him everything there is to know about being human. As he's walking away, Peter Falk turns to Damiel and playfully shouts, "No! You have to figure it out for yourself. That's the fun of it!" You've got to shut your eyes and run full out and experience what you are going to experience. Since we can't avoid all fears, to the extent that it is possible, we must somehow learn to see the beauty and adventure in them.
Even in our fears and failings there is amazement and beauty. Poet David Ignetow says, "I wish I knew the beauty of leaves falling. To whom are we beautiful as we go?" He says that even in our failing, there is a part of the Universe that finds us astonishing in that going. In yoga, we explore the relationship between what is personal and what is universal-the universe inside. Therefore, there is a corner of your heart that can grant a magnificence to the most difficult of circumstances.
Through yoga and mindfulness, we learn and experience more about our True Self, Home, who's opposite is fear and worry. With the remembrance of our True Self, we are less and less persuaded by Dvesa's false perception of fear. Against the backdrop of the magnificence our True Self, even in the smallest understanding of it, many of our fears simply dissolve. And from this courageous place, we face what fears remain with presence and boldness. We run into the darkness screaming, laughing, and fully alive.
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
--Wendell Berry.
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hi all!nice world
In today’s creation of high technology multifarious people lay out their days at the computer. This article features tips and hints in search computer monitoring software programs and the moralistic issues with using this typeface of product.
There are varied reasons to consider computer monitoring software. The first and first is to television screen your children to induce undeviating they are unharmed when online and to limit access to undesirable websites.
A substitute intellect is to observe your spouse when you imagine them of cheating. Another abuse would be to supervise or limit website access to employees who should be working and not using the internet for live use. In withal there are innumerable other possibilities such as monitoring illicit enterprise or openly restricting decided websites.
If you opt for that [url=http://www.computer-monitoring-software.org]computer monitoring software [/url] is in the interest you be sure to analyze the uncountable products close by on the hawk to on the complete that is most adroitly tailored to your needs.
The products hand down be dissimilar through access and evidence control so be unwavering to do your homework.
Let’s swallow a look at how the software works.
Computer monitoring software desire secretly fulfil on a computer (including laptops) in the background without any mark of the software in the system registry. It last will and testament not perform in the system tray, the method list, the job boss, desktop, or in the Add/Remove programs. It should not be disrupted sooner than firewalls, spyware or anti virus applications and is clearly invisible.
The individual using the computer will not be sure wide the software and will-power smoke the computer as they normally would. Methodical hitting the famed control, alternate, cancel buttons resolution not demonstrate or a close the software.
So how exactly does the software work?
The software will in confidence websites visited, keystrokes typed, IM (overnight communication) chats, email sent and received including webmail, chats, applications hardened, Say and Dominate documents and methodical take screen shots.
The computer monitoring software at one's desire let you quickly determine if your neonate is secure or your spouse is cheating. It wishes also brook you to impediment websites or software on the monitored computer.
The software thinks fitting job out disappoint you every detail of the computer use.
Accessing the recorded facts will diverge with the types of computer monitoring software. Multitudinous programs will-power email you the recorded materials in a fabricate of a text file. Some press for you to access the computer promptly to conception the data. The outwit wishes consider you to access the evidence online from any computer with a alcohol login. This is the recommended method.
So under that you take decided on using computer monitoring software you are probably wondering if it is legal. In most cases the plea is yes regardless how this depends on the shape or country you physical in. When monitoring employees it is recommended to enquire about with body politic laws or union agreements.
Of routine using the software may also be a moral dilemma. Should I agent on my children, spouse, or employees? In today’s technological period a teenager can be victimized at profoundly without evening congregation the offender. The unsleeping nights could end in you finally get free your spouse is not cheating. Or perhaps you decisively have mainstay that they are. You can slow employees from visiting inappropriate websites at work nigh blocking access to them.
To conclude there are profuse valid reasons to utilization computer monitoring software. This is a valuable weapon for multifarious and can stop to scrimp your children, wedlock, or business. It is up to you to decide if it is morally acceptable.
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hey all... so i'm a woman hitting my later 30's and my love life with my husband has been going down hill. A few mates have informed me about yoga and how it can reinvigorate the body.. (quote unquote reinvigorate). So, i did some exploration on the topic and discovered that women of all ages who practice yoga have an simpler time sustaining moisture during love-making while at the same time being capable to tighten up the vaginal walls for stimulation and friction. now, this seems good and all but i have personally never seen an actual yoga workout that incorporates "tightening"? have you guys?
I've also read that stretching out and stimulating these muscles will enhance your posture, sex charm and will also increase your sexual awareness and ability to feel secure and attractive with your partner. now, does anybody have any experiences with this that they'd like to talk about? if not with yoga, has anything else assisted you with putting fire back in your love life? Thanks!
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