Monday, January 13, 2014

Again and Again and Again

There's a moment after savasana, the final relaxation pose, when we start to breathe again. After we've practiced, after we've allowed that old self to die off, that moment comes when we get to start something new. For the most part we are the same as before. Still, something has changed. We are more centered. We are stronger, more focused. Closer to where we want to grow. It's like a windows update for our whole being.

This idea is so redemptive for me because makes a practice out of starting again. And again. And again. Maybe that's the point: to keep starting over and practice something differently this time because of what we learned from last practice, the last year.

Take a slow breath into your belly. Begin to feel your fingers and your toes. Turn over and be reborn.
Welcome to the new year. Together, we'll make it a beautiful year as we continue to reinvent ourselves over and over again along this path of self-discovery.

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